How Much does it cost to have a kitchen sprayed?

How much does it cost to have a kitchen resprayed? Typically a kitchen respray ranges from £1,000 to £3,000 per job, a good rule of thumb is to allow £100 per kitchen cabinet to be painted.

Let have a deeper look into the factors that influence cost on a kitchen respray project.

Transforming your kitchen doesn’t always require a complete renovation. Kitchen respraying is a cost-effective alternative that breathes new life into your space without the hefty price tag of a full remodel. 

Understanding Kitchen Respray Costs

The average cost for a kitchen respray job usually falls between £1,000 and £3,000, depending largely on several key factors. A simple rule of thumb to estimate the initial cost is to allow about £100 per kitchen cabinet.

This gives you a ballpark figure, but the final cost can vary based on the size of your kitchen, the style of your doors, and the type of paint finish you select.

Size of the Kitchen

The size of your kitchen is a primary factor in determining the cost of a respray. More cabinets mean more surface area to cover, which requires more materials and labour.

Larger kitchens with more units will naturally fall on the higher end of the cost spectrum. Conversely, smaller kitchens with fewer cabinets can be resprayed at a lower cost.

One factor to bear in mind, is no matter how small the job is there will more than likely be a call out allowance for any site work. Thus making the cost per unit on larger kitchens seem slightly cheaper due to economies of scale.

Door Style

The style of your kitchen doors also plays a significant role in the cost of respraying. Intricate door designs with detailed mouldings and multiple panels require more time to prepare & respray effectively.

This additional labour can increase the overall cost. Flat-panel doors, on the other hand, are simpler to respray and might cost less due to the reduced labour involved.

Type of Paint Finish

The choice of paint finish can affect both the appearance and the cost of your kitchen respray. High-quality paints and specialty finishes like high-gloss or matte can vary in price.

 Gloss work, which typically involves a sanding & burnishing process can cost as much as twice the price of a flat matte finish achieved straight off the gun.

 Choosing a durable finish that complements your kitchen’s style while fitting within your budget is crucial.

Cost Effectiveness of Kitchen Respraying

Respraying your kitchen cabinets is significantly more cost-effective than undertaking a full kitchen renovation. While a complete renovation might involve structural changes, buying new cabinets, and possibly altering plumbing and electrical work, respraying uses your existing layout and cabinets.

This approach not only saves on materials but also reduces labour costs and the overall disruption to your household.

The process of respraying involves thorough cleaning, sanding, and the application of primer and paint to give your cabinets a brand-new look. This can dramatically transform the appearance of your kitchen without the need for more extensive renovations.

In conclusion, kitchen respraying offers a cost-effective, less disruptive way to update your kitchen’s aesthetic. The cost varies based on factors like the size of the kitchen, door style, and paint finish, but with careful planning, you can achieve a fresh, modern look for a fraction of the cost of a full remodel.

 Opting for a kitchen respray can be a smart investment, adding value to your home and enhancing your everyday living space.

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